if head='Y' then do j=1 to heads2;call writeln(f1,head2.j);end j;if head='N' then do j=1 to heads;call writeln(f1,head.j);end j
call writeln(f1,center('FREQ-List Maker, v2.0 last used on 'date(),78))
if con='Y' then do;call writeln(f1,'0A'x||tab.1);call writeln(f1,tab.2);do j=1 to tot;inc=it.j+2;call writeln(f1,tab.inc);end j;call writeln(f1,tab.2'0A'x);end
if mag='Y' then do;call writeln(f1,'0A'x||mag.1);call writeln(f1,tab.2);do j=1 to magic;call writeln(f1,' 'magic.j);end j;call writeln(f1,tab.2'0A'x);end
do j=1 to tot;inc=it.j;top.1='0A0A'x||center(path.inc,78);top.2=copies('-',78);top.3='File Name File Size Description Created On: 'date()
top.4=copies('=',78);do k=1 to 4;call writeln(f1,top.k);end k;if tot.inc=0 then call writeln(f1,path.inc.1);do k=1 to tot.inc;call writeln(f1,path.inc.k);end k;bot.1=copies('=',78)
if foot='Y' then do j=1 to foots2;call writeln(f1,foot2.j);end j;if foot='N' then do j=1 to foots;call writeln(f1,foot.j);end j;call close(f1)
end i;tr 'Packing lists:';do i=1 to lists;parse var list.i name ext head foot con mag incs
tr '6H'name'';if exists(path||name'.'ext) then address command 'DELETE 'path||name'.'ext
if ext='LHA' then address command 'LHA a 'path||name'.LHA 'path||name;else address command 'ZIP -k 'path||name'.ZIP 'path||name;end i
if index=1 then do;tr 'n1Writing Index: FFRS.index';tr '#4MAIL:FFRS/bin/FFRI MAIL:FFRS/ffrs.cfg}';end
if copy2=1 then do;parse var list.1 name junk;se 'n1Copying 'name' as 'path'FileList...';address command 'COPY 'path||name' TEXT:FileList';tr 'Done!';end;exit